As a leading provider of energy, water and urban development solutions, our business activities consume resources such as fuel and water, and generate waste. Our commitment to sustainability demands that we take strong stewardship in the use of such increasingly scarce resources and in our management of waste.

We seek to produce more with less. We drive energy efficiency and water use reduction through operational optimisation and deployment of digital solutions to monitor and optimise asset performance. Effluent discharge is managed in compliance with relevant local environmental laws and regulations.

For waste management, we adopt the principles of prevent, reduce, reuse, recycle and recover. We seek to implement solutions that support a circular economy in our operations and that of our customers

Wastewater Solutions

Sembcorp's Integrated Wastewater Treatment plant supports Singapore with innovative and sustainable solutions to wastewater treatment and reuse.

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Find out more about our sustainability policies, practices and performance:

Sustainability Report

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Climate-related Financial Disclosures

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