Sembcorp respects the privacy of your Personal Information and we do not collect information about you without your prior knowledge. Sembcorp endeavours to do its utmost to treat your Personal Information with the utmost care and has implemented strict protocol to protect the confidentiality of your Personal Information.

This Privacy Statement sets out the principles and processes that Sembcorp has in place so as to meet the requirements of the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) (Act 26 of 2012) and also reiterates that the submission of your Personal Information is voluntary.

Personal Information or Personal Data refers to any information about you from which you can be identified. Examples include your personal particulars, employment details, educational qualifications, billing and payment details, and other information about your use of products, services, websites or for job applications.

By providing your Personal Information to Sembcorp, you hereby consent to Sembcorp sharing this information to other affiliates of Sembcorp for purposes of updating and enhancing their respective records and for Sembcorp and its affiliates to:-

(a) collect, retain, use and disclose your Personal Information;

(b) contact you by telephone, facsimile and / or e-mail; and

(c) advise you of products and services which may be of interest to you.

Such Personal Information will also be needed and used by Sembcorp to better the services of Sembcorp and its business partners, for tracking and verifying compliance with Sembcorp policies, for meeting laws and / or for fulfilling editorial and feedback solicitation purposes. Sembcorp may also share aggregate information about you with advertisers, business partners, sponsors and other third parties. This Personal Information is used to customise Sembcorp's content and advertising to deliver a better experience to you. The use of your Personal Information for these purposes will be kept to the minimum required. Where necessary, Sembcorp and its affiliates may also use the information to resolve any disputes that may arise. Sembcorp employees, affiliated companies or entities acting on behalf of Sembcorp with whom we share your Personal Information will be bound by this statement.

Other than those individuals and entities listed below, your Personal Information will not be revealed by Sembcorp to any external body, unless Sembcorp has your permission, or is under either a legal obligation or any other duty to do so. The information provided by you may be disclosed by Sembcorp to:

(a) regulatory authorities;

(b) lawyers / accountants / auditors or other advisors of Sembcorp;

(c) third party service providers; and

(d) any agents acting on our behalf.

Additionally Sembcorp may, in the following situations, collect, use or disclose Personal Information without your consent:

  • The Personal Information is generally available to the public.
  • The Personal Information is necessary to render a service that the individual has applied for.
  • The Personal Information is required by law.
  • The Personal Information is for research or statistical purposes, and that the results of the research or statistical processing would lead to an aggregate or de-identified Personal Information and would not lead to identification of an individual by any reasonably foreseeable means.
  • The collection, use or disclosure of Personal Information is clearly in the individual's interest.
  • It is impracticable to obtain the individual's consent at the point of collection, use or disclosure, and if it were practicable for the individual to grant such consent, the individual would be likely to give it.
  • Legal, medical, or security reasons make it impossible or impractical for Sembcorp to seek the individual's consent.
  • In an emergency that threatens the life, health or security of the individual or community.

Sembcorp uses industry standard practices to safeguard your Personal Information. Nonetheless, due to any limitation(s) in the current security technology, Sembcorp cannot always ensure that all communications and identifiable Personal Information will never be disclosed to third parties and Sembcorp does not promise that all communications and personal identifiable information received through its communication channels will always remain confidential.

Respecting Your Choice

As the Do Not Call (DNC) provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act take effect with effect from 2 Jan 2014, organisations are generally not allowed to send marketing messages (via voice calls, SMS or fax messages) to Singapore telephone numbers registered with the national DNC Registry.

Sembcorp will abide by the DNC provisions, and in this regard refrain from sending any marketing messages if you have registered your Singapore telephone number on the relevant DNC registry, unless expressly allowed under the DNC provisions, applicable laws and regulations. In addition to our rights under such provisions, laws and regulations, do note that if you have given us consent to send you marketing messages, we may continue sending you marketing or any other messages until you withdraw your consent to Sembcorp, with by way of registration with the DNC Registry or otherwise notifying us of such withdrawal of consent.

Access to and Correction of Personal Information

You may, at any time, requests details of your Personal Information that Sembcorp has collected from you, or information relating to the Sembcorp's use and disclosure of your Personal Information.

Sembcorp has the discretion to decide whether to provide the requested information and the terms on which the said information is provided to you. Sembcorp has the discretion to refuse to provide the requested information in the following situations:

  • Information requested would reveal Personal Information that cannot be disclosed by Sembcorp on the grounds of public policy, legal, security or commercial proprietary reasons;
  • The request would be too costly for Sembcorp to comply with; or
  • The request is frivolous or vexatious.

If you would like a copy of your personal data being held by Sembcorp, please contact our Data Protection Officer, at the contact particulars set out below. The following administrative charges shall be applicable:

(a) If you are requesting for information on your personal data held by Sembcorp, the fees chargeable for the request is S$ 80.00;

(b) If you are requesting for information on your personal data by Sembcorp as well as a copy of such data, the fees chargeable for the request is S$ 160.00.

We will need 30 working days to process your request for access to your personal data.

You may also, at any time, contact Sembcorp's Data Protection Officer ("DPO"), to amend your Personal Information on the basis that the Personal Information collected or maintained by Sembcorp is inaccurate or incomplete. Satisfactory evidence (in the sole discretion of Sembcorp) must be provided to prove the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the Personal Information. Sembcorp will correct its records after the request has been verified and approved.

Record Retention

Your Personal Information will not be kept longer than necessary. In addition, your Personal Information that we possess will be destroyed if you apply to deregister your records.


Sembcorp reserves the right to amend this Privacy Statement and the information it has published in relation to the said Statement from time to time. While Sembcorp takes reasonable care to ensure that information published about its said Statement is up-to-date, Sembcorp does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such information.

Opting Out

To keep you in control of your Personal Information and the communications sent to you, you may opt out of the following services:

(a) receiving communications from Sembcorp and our affiliates about new features, products or services; and

(b) receiving communications about offers from third-party companies that offer a product or a service that Sembcorp thinks would be of value to you.

If you object to any of the above services for any reason, you may stop that service via the following communication channels:

Email to: [email protected]
Mail to:
Data Protection Officer
30 Hill Street
Singapore 179360
For more information about PDPA, please visit the Personal Data Protection Commission's website at

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