We believe in contributing positively to the local communities while conducting our business responsibly and sustainably.

In supporting the communities, we first understand their needs and then work with them to identify the areas for improvement in the quality of life. We also prioritise enabling and empowering communities for their own sustainable development.

Collaborating closely with various local stakeholder groups in and around our sites of operations, we focus and shape our outreach across three target areas we view as being the most impactful on improving quality of life:

Education and Skill Development

Our key focus areas include improving the educational infrastructure for local communities, providing access to adequate training in market-relevant skills to youth, and creating more opportunities for developing talent.

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We view access to healthcare as a fundamental right of humanity and a crucial foundation for any economy. Our commitment to improving access to healthcare for our communities focuses on promoting the importance of physical fitness, health and wellness.

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Environmental Sustainability and Climate Action

As a responsible leader in energy solutions, we aim to reduce the emissions generated by our business and also work towards improving our environment.

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