The energy sector contributes to almost 40% of global emissions1. Decarbonisation of this sector is critical to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and limiting global warming. We recognise our role in driving the collective transition towards a lower-carbon economy. Our commitment to supporting the global energy transition is anchored in transforming our portfolio from brown to green.

From wind energy in China and India, to solar power in Singapore and Vietnam, Sembcorp's sustainable energy achievements in the past decades are springboards on which we continue to progress towards a lower carbon future.

1 World Energy Outlook 2023 report

Our target:

  • By 2028, grow gross installed renewables capacity to 25GW and halve emissions intensity to 0.15tCO2e/MWh from 2023 levels

Find out more about our renewable energy businesses, as well as our sustainability policies, practices and performance:

Our Renewable Energy Businesses

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Sustainability Report

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Climate-related Financial Disclosures

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