Energy alternatives for a cleaner future

Despite Singapore’s limited renewable energy resources, we overcome this constraint by tapping into abundant low-carbon electricity from the region through regional power grids. This promotes the development of renewable energy in the region and contributes to realising the ASEAN Power Grid vision. 

Singapore’s target is to import up to 4GW of low-carbon electricity by 2035, and we are actively supporting this. In October 2023, we received conditional approval to import 1.2GW of low-carbon electricity from Vietnam to Singapore. This is the largest import licence approved by the Energy Market Authority. Collaborating with Petrovietnam Technical Services Corporation, a member of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam), we plan to develop offshore wind farms in South Vietnam, subject to necessary approvals. 

Exclusive discussions are also underway for the potential import of another 1GW of low-carbon electricity from Sarawak. These strategic imports will enhance access to green energy for our customers and move us toward a sustainable energy future.

Renewable Imports