Sembcorp Green Financing Framework

Our Green Financing Framework forms the backbone of our commitment to grow our renewables portfolio, supporting the global energy transition and a more sustainable future.

The Framework is aligned with The Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) Climate Bonds Standard, an internationally recognised labelling scheme for green bonds and loans. The scientific criteria of the standard ensures that green bonds and loans with the certification are consistent with the 1.5 degrees celsius warming limit in the Paris Agreement.

The Framework has been reviewed by a CBI-approved verifier to ensure alignment with the CBI Climate Bond Standard, Green Bond Principles, Green Loan Principles and ASEAN Green Bond Standards.

We obtain a post-issuance assurance from a CBI-approved verifier and publish a Green Finance Report annually. The report provides an update on our allocation of proceeds, eligibility and impact of nominated projects.

Related documents:

Sembcorp Sustainability-linked Financing Framework

Our Sustainability-linked Financing Framework supports our journey towards a lower-carbon portfolio. The Framework outlines the Key Performance Indicators and Sustainability Performance Targets for our sustainability-linked transactions.

The Framework has been reviewed by an external third-party verifier to ensure alignment with the Sustainability-linked Bond Principles and the Sustainability-linked Loan Principles.

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